Legal pages
Global Acquirer
Local Acquirer
Oolio Pay
Oolio Platform
Professional Services Schedule
Effective: July 21, 2022
1. About this Service Schedule
1.1 This Professional Services Schedule (this Service Schedule) applies where we agree to supply you with one or more of the following professional services (each, a Professional Service and collectively, the Professional Services):
(a) Custom Configuration Services
(b) Custom Report Development Services;
(c) Additional Training Services; or
(d) Other professional services.
1.2 This Service Schedule must be read in conjunction with the Quotation, our Terms of Service and the other documents (if any) that comprise the Agreement.
1.3 In this Service Schedule, any reference to a clause is to a clause of this Service Schedule unless otherwise specified.
2. Fees
2.1 In relation to the Fees for Professional Services:
(a) the Quotation will set out a fixed price or a specified number of hours for our provision of Professional Services to you. Once you have used any specified number of hours set out in the Quotation, your engagement of our Professional Services shall be deemed to have come to an end until you buy further blocks of time (each, a Block of Time); and
(b) if you require our Personnel to work outside of Business Hours on Business Days and depending on the availability of Personnel, we can do so at your written request only at our after-hours rates. For clarity, after-hours work is any work done outside of Business Hours on Business Days.
2.2 You will be responsible for all costs and expenses of our Personnel for any on-Site attendance, and for interstate travel, with respect to accommodation, meals and transport (collectively, Additional Expenses). You must reimburse us for all Additional Expenses that we incur within 30 days from the date of any invoice we issue to you for Additional Expenses.
3. Custom Configuration Services
3.1 If “Custom Configuration Services” is specified in a Quotation, we will provide the Custom Configuration Services in accordance with any requirements set out in the Quotation.
4. Custom Report Development Services
4.1 If “Custom Report Development Services” is specified in a Quotation, we will provide the Custom Report Development Services in accordance with any requirements set out in the Quotation.
5. Additional Training Services
5.1 If “Training Services” is requested by you and set out in a Quotation after we have provided Initial Training Services (as that term is defined in our POS Solution Service Schedule), we will train Your Personnel specified in the Quotation on the Oolio Software on the allocated number of days set out in the Quotation, at mutually agreed times (Additional Training Services). The Additional Training Services shall be delivered online unless otherwise agreed.
5.2 If the Additional Training Services are carried out in person at Your Premises, you will be responsible for all costs and expenses of our Personnel in connection with travel to and attendance at the training (Training Expenses). You must reimburse us for all Training Expenses that we incur within 30 days of the date of any invoice that we issue to you for the Training Expenses.
6. Definitions and Interpretation
6.1 In this Professional Services Schedule, words starting with a capital letter in this Professional Services Schedule that are not otherwise defined in this Professional Service Schedule have the meanings given to them in the Terms of Service.